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Herbal Joint 3 pack

Herbal Joint 3 pack

Get all three blends or select your favorite three.

Maryjane’s cuzn downer.

Skullcap-Lowers Shoulders, releases the jaw while quieting the mind.

Catnip-Relaxation, stress relief, helps with insomnia & anxiety

Damiana-(supportive /carrier herb) Calms nervous tension, pleasant wood taste and creates a warm fuzzy feeling.

Raspberry Leaf- (carrier)Pairs great with Damiana, lush green body and adds sweet flavor & aroma

Lavender- Relieves inflammation, adds mild taste.

Flower power upper.

Sage-Crisp & motivating, promotes flow of energy, ideas and helps tame the overwhelming feeling.

Peppermint-Minty fresh taste- like a splash of cold water to the face releasing tension, moving blood and bringing clarity.

Mullein-(Carrier)-Soothing to the respiratory system. Helps you breathe deep & slow.

Mugwort-Relaxation, mild psychoactive effects. Reduce arthritis.

All is well hybrid.

Skullcap-Lowers Shoulders, releases the jaw while quieting the mind.

Catnip-Calms nervous system. Adds peacefulness, flavor, Relaxation & helps with insomnia & anxiety

Rose- Nervine. So it calms the nervous tension and helps you feel settled.

Lavender- Relieves inflammation, adds mild taste and removes the feeling of stress & anxiety.

Mullein-(Carrier)-Soothing to the respiratory system. Helps you breathe deep & slow.helps quit smoking.

Spearmint-Helps quit menthol cigarettes

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